A Basic Guitar Chords Chart Is All You Need

By francois arcoix

Once the basic guitar chords are mastered - it only takes 10 to 15 - you will be able to play many of your favorite songs. The chords are what the background of most songs consist of and are what provide the accompaniment for other instruments. What is a chord? This is when three or more musical notes are played together.

On a guitar this would mean three strings are strummed if there are three notes in the chord you want to play. On a guitar the number of notes that may be played in a chord is at the most six because this is the number of strings. There are three groups of chords - Minor, Major and Seventh. Of these three each one has its own mood. The minor chords are melancholy. The major chords are steady and the seventh chords are upbeat and less stable.

Most people cannot agree on a standard number of chords but the feeling is there anyone who wants to learn to play guitar should know from 8 to 18. The ones typically used in all types of music from rock to classical are among these. When learning these chords you increase the number of songs you can play and it is much more enjoyable.

Ok, what are the basic chords? The must learn ones for beginners are the minor and major chords of E,A,D and C and G major chords. The way these chords are played is by at least one string in the chord not being pressed down. This is called an open chord. Frets are what you do when the fingers on your left hand hold the strings down and the right hand strums the chord.

The easiest chords to learn for a beginning player is the open chord. Basic chords consist of Am, A, C, Dm, D, Em, E, F and G. When playing these chords if you use a guitar chords chart you will see exactly where your fingers are supposed to be on the guitar to play the chord. Newbie guitarists often use this method to teach themselves to play.

When you begin to learn the chords the most used method is to learn the chord families. The notes of the family are mixed to produce chords that are the basics of many songs that people are playing today. This makes learning more fun when you think of it in this way and the families are learned much easier than just choosing chords randomly. You will be playing in no time.

There are many songs that are based on three chords. The process of studying and trying every chord you can find is going to do nothing more than confuse you. When learning to play the guitar for the first time mastering the easy chords is the step you need to learn in order to start playing right away. There are some places that have over 1200 chords which is by far too many for the beginning player and probably for many accomplished players.

There is no need to learn all of these chords (which would take a long time) when you can be having a great time playing in just a matter of a few days. When using the basic guitar chords chart you will have the information right in front of you so seeing where your fingers need to go to produce the beautiful music you like is just a few days away.

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