Music, Poetry And Movies - Holistic Arts

By Jack Wogan

Every once in a while the universe comes crushing on us and leaves our soul empty of all its inherent divinity. Society offers no stability, always adjusting the immediate reality without caring for our need to stop and nurture our souls.

Man and women go on with their lives inertially, deepening more and more into a void cycle. Earthly problems take over leaving no place for extramundane things like listening to a marvelous music, reading an exquisite poem or watching an interesting movie.

Yet they all have a well-defined part in the harmony of cosmos, shaping our ideas into universal forms that can be easily understood by all people. The art is giving us the universal language of communication and the artists are its interpreters. In every creation an artist is representing himself as a part of the universe but it is also sending a message that most people perceive but do not have the talent to transfer into words, notes or images. Although we all use words, notes and images in our daily activities only some of us can shape them into masterpieces that will survive the years and appeal to our sense of justice, care for mercy or to our compassion or that will bring joy to our soul.

Art does for the soul what science does for the body. Similar to shamanism, art tries to fulfill the needs of the soul; with the mention that art is translating the cosmos at a human scale, meanwhile shamanism is trying to bring the soul to a cosmic scale. Alleviating the soul can be difficult considering its transcendent dimension, but shamans are doing that for so long as you can read in Lujan Matus' work.

Walking through the jungle of the soul without knowing the path is a concern found in every religion, shamanism being usually assimilated with one. Yet notes or words of a profane love poem act the same of a bible guiding you through a storm of feelings up to the final conquest of heaven. Images will start forming into your mind in the same way a producer composes the scenes of a movie.

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