Particularities Of Different Guitar Types

By Jack Wogan

I guess that every music person dreamed of seeing himself or herself playing a musical instrument. Playing guitar as a hobby is an accessible and beautiful occupation. But before starting your guitar lessons you should know something about guitars.

These are mainly divided into three categories, depending on the type of sound amplification procedure used: acoustic, electric and electric-acoustic guitars. Usually guitars are made of timber and have six nylon stings. However, new guitar models are made of polycarbonate; guitars can have up to three sets of six strings, which can be made of nylon or steel.

Acoustic guitars are the oldest and most famous guitar types. Usually these can be differentiated from the others easily by their hollow body, which is also the source of the beautiful and distinctive sounds made. The resonating chamber created by the hollow guitar body is the source of a unique sound. For this guitar type the amplifier is optional, required only if the room where the guitar is played does not have an acoustic effect.

Fender Stratocaster and Gibson Les Paul are the inventors of the most famous electric guitar models. Electric guitars are used for playing rock, pop, blues and jazz music. This guitar types have solid body, unlike acoustic ones, thinner strings, positioned closer to the guitar's neck, making them easier to manipulate. The sound produced by the electric guitars depends on the shape of guitar's body. The amplifier is very important for the quality of sound of electric guitars, regardless of the fact they are played at home or in concerts.

Electric-acoustic guitars resulted from the wish to preserve the sound quality of acoustic guitar music on stage. Electric-acoustic guitars have hollow-body, like the acoustic guitars, but they are endowed with pickups, a microphone or transducers.

Considering the number and the types of strings, we may say that guitars have usually six nylon strings, but there are also the so-called twelve-string guitars. The twelve-string guitars are usually acoustic guitars, but they can have also an electric guitar version. The additional six strings are like a copy of the normal pack of strings, but an octave higher, in order to intensify the sound. The steel guitars are usually played horizontally and can have from one (lap steel guitars), up to three sets of strings.

The quality and features of the sound are extremely important when playing music. This is why the instruments diversified and the accessories appeared - to preserve and increase the quality of sound. Choose to improve your music instrument performance by using amplifiers, microphones and guitar effects pedals.

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