The National Parks Song Project And Gigi Love

By Diane Clark

When it comes to musicians, there are those that only play for fun, and others who are extremely dedicated to the genre. One of these individuals is Gigi Love, a woman who is currently working on a project at National parks around the United States. As part of the project, Ms. Love will be visiting a number of parks in Western states, then writing songs about the community, beauty and nature during each stay.

Work in this realm is deeply rooted in a passion for nature, history and beauty. As part of the project, the singer plans on creating a song based on the iconic aspects of each national park. After which, an album will be recorded and released. Once released, the CD will be available through the artist's website, online markets and at stores.

Upon purchasing a previously used mandolin from a fellow artist, Ms. Love wondered into a meadow and wrote a beautiful song about the iconic beauty of the park. During this time, Gigi started thinking about how cool it would be to write a song based on each park. Then, the park visits and songwriting began taking precedence over everything else going on at the time.

The singer's hopes are to continue the project until having written a song about each National park. An endeavor that could no doubt take years before completion. Still, as the artist is back home and working on a full-length album of parks visited to date, it appears Ms. Love remains quite passionate about the project.

As the singer loves to learn about history, beauty and nature, this seemed the perfect project. However, with so many parks in the system, it will most likely be years before the project sees completion. At the same time, during the course of the project, fans will no doubt continue to hear new and interesting material from this singer-songwriter.

While a three song EP has been recorded and released, it is only a small taste of what is yet to come. Once the full length compact disc is out in December 2016, there is no doubt the world will know more about Ms. Love as well as the different parks. For, while each are part of the National park system, each location has an individual icon beauty, and story to tell.

The singer-songwriter has also opened for the David Matthews group, and performed at the closing ceremony at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Prior to, and since these earlier performances, the singer-songwriter continues to play a number of different venues in Salt Lake City, Utah and around the country. In doing so, the artist has shown an in-depth love for singing and songwriting, while often drawing large crowds at shows.

The singer-songwriter's hopes are that these songs will not only entertain but also inspire others. Whether that inspiration be in relation to visiting the parks, or to create interesting and unique projects in the arts. For, the National Parks Songs project is one of the biggest to have ever been sanctioned by the parks to date. As such, those looking for performance space, may want to consider similar alternatives rather than sticking to traditional clubs, theaters and other indoor venues.

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