By Kimberly Lee

Every time you cannot catch some much needed shut eye at night, you may swallow a sleeping pill. Just make sure that you are willing to endure the many nasty side effects that will certainly strike the next day. One excellent alternative to pill popping is playing soothing harp music. Have it downloaded and saved on your cellular phone and play it back as soon as you lie in bed. Following this super simple tip can help you steer clear of the various problems that insomnia can bring, some of which are briefly discussed below.

Elevated blood pressure. Since your body isn't obtaining sufficient rest at night, your blood pressure may become increased the following day. Being stressed can certainly worsen things. Suffering from high blood pressure isn't good for you because it can put you at risk of encountering what's considered as the number one killer on the planet, and that's heart disease.

Obesity. Whether or not you believe it, inability to enjoy a good night's sleep can make the waistline expand. Health experts confirm that being deprived of enough shut eye per night can slow down your metabolic rate. What's more, it can cause emotional eating, which is something that makes you crave tons of foods that are packed with refined sugar for you to feel happy.

Increased glucose levels. Sugar or glucose remains in the bloodstream instead of being used by the cells as an energy source. As a result of such, the levels of glucose in the blood become elevated. According to doctors, you don't want this to happen to you because it can increase your chance of developing type 2 diabetes one day.

Weak immune system. Not allowing the body to obtain much needed restorative sleep every night can cause your immune system to end up in a terrible shape. When that happens, nothing is there to shield your body from invading bacteria and viruses. This results in frequent bouts of infections such as the common cold and flu.

Exhaustion. Certainly, you will feel tired the whole day if both body and mind of yours didn't get the opportunity to have a break the night before. It's not just your body that will seem worn out, but the mind as well. Such can significantly affect your workplace status as you are sure to encounter a decline in your memory and concentration.

Mental disorder. Insomnia can wreak havoc on your emotions as well. Especially if you have tons of responsibilities at home and in the office, you may encounter anxious thoughts regularly. Having depression is a huge possibility, too. Lack of sleep can exacerbate an already existing mental disorder, according to mental health experts.

Accelerated aging of the skin. Despite what many think, having unsightly eye bags isn't the only cosmetic nightmare that lack of sleep can cause. Skin care specialists confirm that it can actually cause the aging process of the skin to accelerate. If you like to obtain as well as maintain young looking skin, then see to it that you sleep just like a baby every night.

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