McPherson Acoustic Guitars

Heard of Paul Baloche? Yep. The guy who wrote and sang "Above All" and "Hosanna" to name a few. I've seen him using the strange looking acoustic guitar with a sound hole that was not in it's usual place. It was offset more to speak.

What do you know? The brand is from McPherson. This unique guitar was born using state-of-the art technology and innovative design. You will notice they have 3 unique features. Number one is that it has a Offset Soundhole Technology (TM), State-of-the-art bracing and a cantilevered neck design.

It sure sounds sweet and rich. Their website also has some sound samples for you to listen to. Man... I want one!



  1. CJane said...

    Hehehehe. I found this site! How come you never told me??  

  2. Kay Stanford Jr Kastum said...

    Actually testing only, gonna scrap this one soon