By Mike Jones

In this article we are going to learn how to play hammer on's and pull off's.

In the last article/mini guitar lesson you learned how to move the pentatonic pattern 1 around the neck. In this lesson we will expand on that to bring a technique called the "hammer on".

For example let's take pattern 1 at the 5th fret (Am).

OK, to play the "hammer on" you need to hold down the 6th string at the 5th fret and then pluck it. Then bring down your 4th finger hard onto the 8th fret with enough force to allow the string to ring out as though you had plucked it!

Practice this on all the strings following the scale pattern... This is known as "hammering on"!!!

Once you are able to play the "hammer on" quickly you will build up your speed over time and find that you will be able to play notes quickly without having to pick the strings individually. This will speed up your overall playing ability...

Try to practice your guitar playing EVERY day, even if you only pick it up for a few minutes, your fingers will become more and more on auto pilot...

Following on from the "hammer on" we are now going to take a look at the "pull off" The "pull off" is another 'must know' technique and runs side by side with the "hammer on". This is a technique you have got to master if you wish to progress to becoming a great player!

We will start off again using pentatonic pattern one at the 5th fret (Am). Hold down the 8th fret with your 4th finger and also the 5th fret with your first finger on the 6th string.

Now pluck the string sounding the note at the 8th fret (C)

Here's the great part: Pluck the string while the note is still ringing with your 4th finger (pull off) to sound the note at the 5th fret (A), do not use your pick at all whilst doing this.

Practice this technique on all the strings up and down the pentatonic pattern 1.

These great and widely used techniques (hammer on's and pull off's) is a regular feature in fantastic sounding solos.

Practice until your fingers bleed! Only joking!!!!

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