Start Playing Your Acoustic Guitar

By John Hammond

Choosing the kind of guitar lessons you want to take has become a complicated process as acoustic guitar lessons are now available in various forms. You should keep in mind how important it is to really think hard and review the course before you go for any lesson. Your success or failure will highly depend on your knowledge on what you are exactly getting yourself into. Schools, institutions, teachers and modules have their own different course outlines as well as their own way of presenting the lessons making it highly important that you thoroughly do your research in order for you to be sure that you will be able to choose the lessons that best suits you.

Learning the basics

Before you even begin your formal acoustic guitar lessons, you have to get to know your instrument first. Do you know what the different parts of your guitar are, and what each part does? And did you know that the kind of wood used to make a guitar affects its sound quality, too? How about the difference between nylon and steel strings? These are just some questions you might want to know the answers to before you begin your lessons. Learning how to play your acoustic guitar is not all about the technical stuff of knowing the chords, the proper strumming, and fingerpicking. You also have to know and connect with your instrument. It's like getting to know somebody new you don't only focus on what the person can do, but you get to know who the person really is by knowing his strengths, weaknesses, and other aspects of his personality. It's the same way with your guitar you can't just focus on what it can do, but you have to be able to know your guitar inside out for you to be able to play it well.

Get started

Once you know and understand more about your guitar, you will be able to maximize your guitar's "abilities. Your acoustic guitar lessons begin not with the teaching of music fundamentals, but of the proper habits you must observe once you are ready to play. Did you know that it is very important for you to observe proper posture while you play? You might have gotten tired of hearing the phrase, "Sit up straight!" from your parents and teachers, but you will hear it again here. It's important that you sit in a chair where your feet are flat on the floor and your back can be straight. Back aches are a common ailment caused by poor posture. It would also help if you had a footstool where you can put one foot up in so that it will serve as the resting place of your guitar when you play.

Aside from posture, another point you should remember as you start your acoustic guitar lessons is to regularly do finger exercises that are meant to increase strength and dexterity. You may be surprised at how sore your fingers can get after only a few hours of playing and practice that is understandable because your fingers are not used to exerting that kind of pressure. And moving from one chord, note, or scale to another might just end up turning your fingers into a knot. At first it will really be confusing. But with the help of those exercises (try squeezing a stress ball regularly for strength exercises; and for dexterity, tap your fingers in order index first, followed by the middle, ring, and then pinky, and then in reverse) you will find that those confusing hand movements will become easier in time as you progress in your acoustic guitar lessons.

Have supplemental materials to enrich your learning

If you are taking lessons with a tutor or you are enrolled in a class, do not depend solely on your acoustic guitar lessons with your instructor, and don't just play your guitar during class time. Aside from your time in class, make sure that you also do some reading on your own or watch some videos that are related to what you have taken up with your instructor to supplement what you are learning. Knowing other people's experiences on the same subjects can give you the boost you need to persevere!

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