By George Bell

You might really enjoy going to live concerts and shows in your community. Despite being a big fan of these events, you still could be one of the most obnoxious audience members if you do not mind your manners. If you plan on going to a California choral musical performance anytime soon, you could ingratiate yourself to others around you by knowing how to act appropriately in public. These simple rules allow everyone in attendance to have fun.

Before you walk in and take your seat, you may remember to turn off your cell phone or silence the ringer and keep it on vibrate. Few things annoy both musicians and conductors alike than a cell phone that goes off during the middle of the song. People automatically stop looking at the stage and search out the person who forgot to silence the phone.

If it goes off during a song, you inevitably will garner attention that will be anything but flattering or appreciated. The people on stage will resent you for taking the attention off of them. The people sitting around you will be annoyed that they heard your ringer rather than the singing on stage. You will avoid all of this scenario by turning down or off the phone before you take your seat.

Another courtesy you want to extend involves remaining in your seat while the show is ongoing. It is understandable that people may have to get up to leave or use the restroom at some point. However, the audience generally is expected to stay seated while the singers are on stage and performing. You may wait until they are finished and the sets are being transitioned before getting up to leave the concert hall.

Your children may be well-mannered at home. However, they may not do so well in a crowded concert hall. They might not enjoy the music and instead want to get up and run around rather than sit still. Your baby may cry or scream to be fed or changed. Concerts are not generally viewed as child appropriate venues. You could hire a babysitter and instead enjoy an adult's night out while listening to beautiful music.

They will not thank you, however, if you clap too soon during a song. People who are not experienced concert goers sometimes commit the error of clapping before a piece has ended. It actually might just be at a lull or silent section to allow the singers to take a breath or get ready for the next phase of the piece.

If you are not sure if or when to applaud, you may get the best direction by keeping an eye on the arms of the conductor. He or she will drop them to the side once the piece is finished. If he or she has the arms still in midair, the song is not yet over, which means you should hold your applause for the moment. Otherwise, you could just clap when the others around you do so as well.

The choral musical groups throughout the state of California routinely give concerts for the public. If you plan to attend, you may want to observe some common manners. These tips help you be a mindful observer of this show. They also spare you the embarrassment and the anger of those people around you. You will get the most out of the performance with these strategies in mind.

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