Learn To Be A Blues Guitarist

By Michelle Smith

There are many reasons why someone would want to learn a musical instrument. Music has long been known to be an excellent way to relieve stress, engage in a create hobby, and a way to connect with others within a community. When one engages with music, they access a part of their brain that they might not be stimulating otherwise. Learning to play the guitar may be intimidating at first, but with a few simple guidelines, anyone can learn to play in their spare time. With a little bit of practice, you can become a blues guitarist.

There are lots of people who don't learn the guitar simply because they don't think they are able. This generally isn't the case at all. Most people will have the capability to learn any instrument, especially the guitar. What you need to realize is that the most important activity one can do while learning is simply to practice. Make sure that you practice every day a little bit. It won't matter if you only have half an hour or fifteen minutes, just make sure you practice consistently.

When you begin, go out and purchase a guitar from the local music store or look online. Generally there are lots of specials on different websites around the internet. Be sure to purchase an instrument that you can afford, but also make sure that it's a good quality instrument. Lots of people starting out get really discouraged because they bought a poor quality guitar. Generally this is because poor quality instruments don't have a lot of room for error, as it's harder to press against the strings.

Try to start out by playing simpler songs. Then you can progress to the more difficult ones. Learn a few chords, like A, E, and G. You're going to be pleasantly surprised by the sheer number of songs that you can play simply with a couple of different chords. Many pop songs are played with only two or three basic chords.

As you get better, you can start transitioning into other chords as well. Learn all the major chords, as well as the minor ones as well. Then people generally will learn the seventh chords. By using whole chords, minor chords, and seventh chords, you're going to have a wide range of songs you can play.

After you start improving at doing simple chord progressions, you may want to start learning how to do finger picking as well. It may seem intimidating at first, but really isn't that difficult. By incorporating finger picking into your songs, you will be able to diversify your skills. This will allow you to play a wide range of music that you wouldn't be able to with simple chord progressions alone.

A great way to learn is to study musicians that you like. There are several blues musicians that one can study. Listen to different artists while in the car or even while working in your office. By listening to a wide range of music, you will be training your ear. This will help out immensely as you begin to improve at your instrument.

It doesn't matter if you are a beginning musician, or if you've been playing for several years. With a little bit of effort, anyone can really become a great blues guitarist. Remember to set some time aside every day to practice. With a little bit of hard work, you'll be able to have fun and impress your friends and family with your new skills.

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