Whose Band Has Been Best This Year?

By Giuseppe Haycraft

If you were to ask me which month of 2011 had the best new music so far, it would be a hard question to answer. Still, part of me can say with confidence that it was probably August. There was so much good stuff produced during this month that it would be hard to proclaim any month as better as far as music goes.

Without further ado, it's time for me to share my favorite three albums that were released during the month of August. Did any of these make your list as well?

Do you know who Ry Cooder is? If you don't, your parents probably do because the man has been around forever. This doesn't mean that his best days are behind him, as Pull Up Some Dust & Sit Down is one of the best things he's ever created.

My number 2 pick is Stephen Malkmus with Mirror Traffic. The former Pavement front man has churned out another album to join the ranks of his consistently brilliant career.

No album hooked me more than Skying by The Horrors though. This is a must listen if you haven't heard it yet.

Looking forward, there's so much more good stuff on the way as well. Through the rest of the year, we'll see some of the top bands out there coming out with follow up efforts to their previous ones, and just about every single genre will experience a few highlights worthy of waiting for.

Indie lovers can't wait for Wilco to drop its next LP, and it's going to happen soon. Will they produce another Yankee Hotel Foxtrot?

If pop is more of your thing, American Idol champ Scotty McCreery's debut will hit shelves, as will new music from rockers Evanescence and even Blink 182, who have somehow staged one of the unlikeliest comebacks around.

If these future albums don't get you excited, I don't know what will.

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