Songs And How They Affect Us

By Beth Swanson

What do a car ride, a wedding ceremony and any great party have in common? For sure, one thing they have in common are songs. Have you thought about it? Special songs are included in so many of our daily activities and our special events.

What you should think about are the things you love doing during the day. Do you enjoy watching television? Songs of different musical artists are what television shows are usually filled with. Perhaps going to the mall and shopping is more your style. In each store you enter, take time to listen because you'll notice songs make up the background noise at every shopping mall. If you are anything like me you cannot stand being in the car for more than a few minutes without turning on the radio or putting a tape in your player. Any ideas why? Because songs are what we love to hear. Some people while exercising would have a musical device or a small cd player that would pump songs of inspiration into their ears and this is what you may notice when people are running on your street.

Will you agree that songs hold a lot of power? Many songs have the ability to put someone in a good mood or a bad mood pretty quickly. If you have ever been feeling down and then suddenly found yourself singing happily to the tune of one of your favorite songs then you know the power that songs can have. Songs have the ability to help us feel mellow or to make us feel excited. They can either help us relax so we could sleep at night or give us the energy to keep going.

Also helping us to celebrate many special events are songs. Can you imagine a high school prom, a dance party, or a wedding reception without songs? Can you even imagine such a thing? Songs have a huge role in most every event we participate in whether we realize it or not. A lot of people would remember the first song they danced to at their wedding or at their prom. Like few other things do, songs tie us to memories.

Many people like to hear songs that are in live settings. To enjoy the beauty and power of songs, you can attend at a local concert put by an orchestra or a choir. The power of live songs are what you can also experience by ordering tickets to see your favorite band or musical artist play live.

Making up a large part of our daily lives, like songs, are only a few things. Listening or singing to one of your favorite songs today is what you can enjoy doing.

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