Find Out More About Ethnomusicology

By Jack Wogan

The comparative study of music around the globe from a social and cultural perspective constitutes the subject of study called ethnomusicology. At the beginning of the 20th century the national identity of the local communities has become the favorite subject of many anthropologists. While studying the customs of various populations, they have found out important aspects about their music and thus, ethnomusicology was born.

Some people wrongfully believe that it deals only with non-Western music because the Western one is no longer traditional, but very commercial. The study of this discipline began with the non-Western music and it has gradually expanded to include all regions around the world. Thanks to the discoveries that theoreticians have made throughout the years, it is now preoccupied with ethnic music that has been transmitted orally in both Western and non-Western communities.

The methods that are used for the study of this discipline are generally borrowed from anthropology, sociology and other humanistic sciences because ethnomusicology is strongly related to the social and cultural dimensions of a nation. Participant observation and historical researches have proved to be the most efficient methods of study as they have provided both qualitative and quantitative data. Some consider it to be a branch of anthropology because it is often discussed when analyzing the behavior of a social community.

Due to the importance of the various discoveries that have been made in this field, it is often present in many school and academy curricula. Students who are fond of music can enrich their knowledge by studying the various instruments and the significance of many ethnic songs.

If you think it is too late for you to become a musician, you're wrong. The new Dec Play method that has been adopted in most music schools helps students learn to play musical instruments in less than three hours. This technique was meant to enable students to decipher piano sheets by replacing the old notes with colors and numbers, but its unbelievable success determined professors to adopt it for the study of many other instruments. Thanks to this method, students of all ages can interpret both ethnic and commercial songs.

An important aspect that ethnomusicology deals with is the use of ethnic music during significant events, such as, weddings, funerals, birthdays, etc. There are beautiful dances and special outfits that are worn during these occasions which is why these traditions deserve to be preserved. As a matter of fact, ethnomusicology is very appreciated by ethnic groups because it gives them the opportunity to save their national identity.

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