Singing For Your Life - How To Become A Singer

By Pamela C Smith

Many people spend their lifetimes dreaming about singing for a living, only to be disappointed because they never truly learned how to become a singer. If you are one of those people who loves to sing but you feel there isn't hope of realizing your dreams, it is time for a reality check. Becoming a singer isn't the difficult part, if you are passionate about music. The key to living a life full of song is to set realistic goals that allow you to make singing your life. You can still wish for stardom but, even without fame, your true passion can be your career instead of sitting behind a desk, hoping to be discovered. These tips below will teach you how to become a singer for life:

Before you can learn how to become a singer, you need to decide what type of singing you want to do. There are many different types of singers, varying in style and preferred music type. Decide if you are interested in pursuing solo work or if you would feel better as part of a group, such as a band, choir or quartet. You probably have some idea already of which direction you would like to head, but make a well-defined choice and commit to it, so the steps to achieving your goals are concise and clear.

Becoming a singer requires setting realistic goals. You can still have your dreams, but if you only see a music career as black or white, all or nothing, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and going back to the 9 to 5 world. The odds of making it in the music industry, or being discovered and obtaining a fortune, are slim. But if you want to sing for a living, you can have a fulfilled life by making a career out of singing in a band or becoming a solo performer. Just be certain that your real objective is to learn how to become a singer, not how to become rich and famous.

No matter how good of a singer you might be, you need proper vocal training to become even better. If you've never had a vocal coach and sing like a professional, you are miles ahead of the game. But don't believe you can't improve even more. To learn how to become a singer, you need to create your own, unique voice instead of copying another performer's style. Also, you need to be able to accept and learn from feedback, so always ask family and friends for honest critiques. If a vocal coach is too expensive, there are many websites out there to help, including ones that can teach you how to sing online.

Aside from the ability to sing, learning how to become a singer involves the drive, persistence and motivation to promote and market yourself. This is where many performers fail or give up. No matter how talented a singer you might be, no one will know it unless you are out there promoting yourself. Aside from spending time on securing paying gigs through a promo kit, you should visit music websites and promote your music there as well as make contacts, sing at local events for free, enter contests, obtain professional letterhead and flyers, advertising your name wherever you can. You must be seen to be heard.

Working on steps to make a singing career for yourself shouldn't keep you from pursuing your ultimate dreams. However, to be taken seriously by the music industry or large music venues, you will need a professional demo and, ideally, a manager and agent to advocate for you. These things all require a substantial amount of money and time. Many who want to sing for a living focus on the big goals first and, disappointed, they give up on music entirely. The safest path to take is to learn how to become a singer first, wait until there is a comfortable level of financial stability and consistency in your music career, then go ahead and reach for the stars.

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